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Winter Walk to School Day is Feb. 1

When the weather outside is frightful in Minnesota, we put on our hats, gloves and jackets, and get ready to have some fun. Minnesota Safe Routes to School’s sixth-annual Winter Walk to School Day is Feb. 1. It’s a celebration of walking, biking and playing in the coldest and snowiest days of winter.  The idea is simple: …

Brand Downloads

MnSRTS brand is available as one way to increase awareness of a unifed message and identity to create value and influence.

MnSRTS Brand & Toolkit Downloads

Jump to Walk and Bike to School Days toolkit downloads MnSRTS Brand The Minnesota Safe Routes to School program is currently in the process of rolling out the new brand. While the website and supporting materials will be updated in the coming months, the new logo and templates are available for use and can be …

Policy & Technical Guidance

Creating the long-term changes that will make it easier for students to bike and walk to school in our communities requires attention to policy. Policies that impact Safe Routes to School exist at multiple scales and involve different people, groups, and levels of government. Supporting positive change can mean getting involved with ongoing planning/policymaking processes …

Demonstration Projects

Demonstration projects are short-term, low-cost, temporary roadway projects used to pilot potential long-term design solutions to improve walking/bicycling and public spaces. View of a Story Map of where Demonstration Projects are being implemented in Minnesota. Short-Term On the short end, a one- or two-day project may be more about community engagement and exploring new ideas. Longer …

Planning 101

Safe Routes to School Planning process overview, resources, and templates.