Association of Minnesota Counties: Local Option Sales Tax for Transportation
one-pager FAQ on counties ability to enact local option sales tax for transportation
one-pager FAQ on counties ability to enact local option sales tax for transportation
A Resource for the Development of Short Term, Low Cost, Temporary Roadway Projects to Promote and Advance Walking and Bicycling
This toolkit includes guidance on community engagement, organizing, building, and maintaining the momentum for a demonstration project
This fact sheet outlines how pop-up projects can be used to advance Safe Routes to School projects, discusses the benefits of this type of demonstration project, provides examples of communities that have used pop-ups to advance Safe Routes to School, and shares resources for helping you create pop-up Safe Routes to School projects in your …
MnSRTS Talking Points for Educators
MnSRTS Talking Points for Elected Officials
MnSRTS Talking Points for Law Enforcement
MnSRTS Talking Points for Parents
MnSRTS Talking Points for Planners and Engineers
MnSRTS Talking Points for Public Health Professionals