Bus Stop and Walk PowerPoint
Utilize this PowerPoint to explain BSWs to key stakeholders and gather support for your project
Utilize this PowerPoint to explain BSWs to key stakeholders and gather support for your project
Quick tip sheet for parents to contribute to a safe environment for walking and bicycling to school
Education guide specifically aimed at middle schoolers
helps schools, school districts, law enforcement agencies and other entities better understand the roles, rules and guidance for crossing guard selection, placement, training and uniform
This training provides a standard minimum amount of training for adult crossing guards throughout the state
The Minnesota Safe Routes to School program partners with AAA Minnesota-Iowa to offer an online training for school safety patrollers in Minnesota
training resource for school safety and school bus patrols
Detailed information about a variety of treatments that can improve safety conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists
This brief provides information on how schools, districts, cities and counties, and community partners can address arrival and dismissal in developing school travel plans
MnDOT’s guidance on context-sensitive bicycle facility treatments