Maps are one of the most valuable tools in the Safe Route to School (SRTS) toolbox. Maps can help you communicate about:
- Existing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure
- Potential pedestrian and bicycling routes
- Walking school bus and bicycle train routes
- Arrival and dismissal procedures
- And much more!
Maps can be a useful encouragement tool and can help steer students and parents/guardians toward routes that are safer.
Mapping Resources:
- MN Safe Routes to School Projects Interactive Map – This map displays Safe Routes to School work in Minnesota funded by MnDOT and other sources, including infrastructure projects, plans, bike fleets, Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum trainees, participation in walk and bike encouragement events, and more.
- Guide to Walking and Bicycling Route Maps – information and tips on how to create walking and biking to school maps and arrival/dismissal maps for your school–for folks without map-making experience!

Minneapolis Walking Routes for Youth Map
At a Glance: Minneapolis Public Schools and the city of Minneapolis have a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program that includes several planning initiatives. In 2007, a task force was created to develop the Minneapolis Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan. Since the strategic plan was developed, schools and the city have completed programmatic activities as well. In 2012, the City developed a Walking Routes for Youth map that analyzed and recommended walking routes to every school in Minneapolis. The walking map also allows the city to prioritize where it will make improvements during other city road projects and which projects they submit for grant funding.
The original intent was to create and distribute walking maps to the community, focusing on neighborhoods with crime and personal safety issues and help focus other improvements such as signing, pavement marking and other route improvements. The project evolved into a city-wide process with public input that identifies prioritized walking routes for Minneapolis students.
Federal Funding: $62,000
Results: The map was completed in 2014 and distributed to schools, park buildings and made available online as an interactive map. The map led to success in applying for infrastructure funding since priorities for improvements were identified. Public works uses the tool to make improvements in key areas when non-Safe Routes to School projects are happening. The school district Safe Routes to School coordinator also uses the tool to develop walking schools buses and bus stop and walk programs.
Do you have a local success story to share for SRTS Mapping? Submit a brief summary to [email protected].