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Resources & Trainings

The Minnesota Safe Routes to School Online Resource Center is a one-stop shop for tools and resources to assist with Safe Routes to School efforts. If you are unable to find the resource, training or answer to your question please use the “Contact Us” page to send us an email so we can help!

Community Partners

Organize a Bicycle Rodeo, help organize Walk or Bike to School Events, or create a SRTS Plan. Convene a SRTS team, lead walking or biking safety activities in the classroom, or conduct parent surveys/student tallies. Help your school and community become easier and safer to walk and bike for children and families!

Parents & Students

Research shows that exercise, including walking and biking, helps kids with brain development and long-term health. Of course, Safe Routes to School programs also offer plenty of other benefits to your school and community!

Educators & Admins

School staff play an important role in educating students, parents and communities on safe walking and biking and may take the lead on other aspects of Safe Routes to School programs.

Minnesota Safe Routes to School

Welcome to the Minnesota Safe Routes to School Online Resource Center! This is the right place to learn more about the program, find Minnesota specific resources, and learn more about events happening across the state. Minnesota Safe Routes to School is an effort to improve walking and bicycling conditions for youth and to encourage more …

Privacy Policy

Who we are Our website address is: We are a program of the Minnesota Department of Transportation utilizing state and federal funding as its available. This Resource Center is state funded and government policies apply to its development, resources or documents, intended use and visitors. Comments When visitors leave comments on the site we …

Bike to School Day was a success in Minnesota!

Nearly 120 Minnesota schools participated in Bike to School Day on May 4! This national event encourages bicycling (or walking) to school. Gov. Tim Walz also signed a proclamation in support of Bike to School Day.