Demonstration Project Implementation Guide
A Resource for the Development of Short Term, Low Cost, Temporary Roadway Projects to Promote and Advance Walking and Bicycling

The Minnesota Safe Routes to School Online Resource Center is a one-stop shop for tools and resources to assist with Safe Routes to School efforts.
If you are unable to find the resource, training or answer to your question please use the “Contact Us” page to send us an email so we can help!
A Resource for the Development of Short Term, Low Cost, Temporary Roadway Projects to Promote and Advance Walking and Bicycling
This Toolkit is designed to teach state and local government officials how to identify and fix problems that prevent people with disabilities from gaining equal access to state and local government programs, services, and activities. It will also teach state and local officials how to conduct accessibility surveys of their buildings and facilities to identify …
Policy recommendations for removing barriers to community-centered schools
are widely popular national events to encourage students to walk and bicycle to school and involve parents and the school community
is typically held the first week of October,
is held the first week of May, although schools can adapt events to fit their schedules
how to create route maps and arrival/dismissal maps for your school
Remix your street to add bike paths, widen sidewalks using this interactive tool
Roles for a diverse range of stakeholders and what they can bring to SRTS
Use this Executive Summary template to provide an overview page for your Safe Routes to School plan