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The Bus Stop and Walk (BSW) program takes Safe Routes to School to another level by ensuring that every student is provided the opportunity to walk to school. BSWs drop students a safe and walkable distance from school, allowing them to walk in with the goal of improving physical and mental health, increasing academic performance and building community by dropping students within a walkable distance to school.

Let us help you organize your first BSW!

Organizing your first Bus Stop and Walk requires bringing together the right team, planning your event and then successfully executing. The Organizer’s Guide to Bus Stop and Walks will help you easily understand how to do this and give you checklists, parent letters, and presentation materials to make sure you do it right the first time!


Organizer’s Guide to Bus Stop and Walks

Start here to learn everything you need to know to implement a Bus Stop and Walk.


Bus Stop and Walk Powerpoint

Utilize this powerpoint to explain BSWs to key stakeholders and gather support for your project.


Bus Stop and Walk Supporting Templates

Download editable templates that include letters to parents, volunteers and bus drivers; planning checklists and sample survey questions.


Success Stories

Discovery Elementary Bus Drop and Walk and Clearview Elementary Morning Mile

At Discovery Elementary in St. Cloud, there is a high population of students that live across a busy, four-lane road from school. To allow all students to participate in walking to school, every morning the temperature is above freezing, school buses drop students off in front of the school and the students walk around to the back of the school. Teachers noticed an improvement in student behavior and that kids arrived at school ready to learn.

At Clearview Elementary School in Clear Lake, many students live across a busy highway from school, so to help them get physical activity before school, they walk around the schoolyard every day that the temperature is above zero (when it is below zero, they walk inside the gym). Teachers have noticed a huge improvement in student behavior and focus, and their phys ed teacher has noticed an improvement in overall physical fitness.