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The Minnesota Safe Routes to School Online Resource Center is a one-stop shop for tools and resources to assist with Safe Routes to School efforts.

If you are unable to find the resource, training or answer to your question please use the “Contact Us” page to send us an email so we can help!

Guide for Establishing School Speed Zones

This document is an update to the 2012 “A Guide to Establishing Speed Limits in School Zones.” Since the 2012 version, changes in research and best practices have occurred in relation to the safety of people walking and biking as well as school zone safety. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) resources and Safe Systems initiatives …

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Frequently Asked Questions of MnSRTS program

page | Topic: Education, Encouragement, Engagement, Engineering, Equity, Evaluation | Language:

Brand Downloads

MnSRTS brand is available as one way to increase awareness of a unifed message and identity to create value and influence.

page | Topic: Education, Encouragement, Planning | Language:

Policy & Technical Guidance

Policies support long term change for Safe Routes efforts.

page | Topic: Encouragement, Engineering, Equity, Evaluation, Planning | Language:

Engagement Tools

Engagement strategies help identify unique barriers and challenges for the local community, school or school district as well as local equity needs.

page | Topic: Engagement, Evaluation, Planning, SRTS 101 | Language:

Planning 101

Safe Routes to School Planning process overview, resources, and templates.

page | Topic: Evaluation, Planning, SRTS 101 | Language:

Evaluation Tools

Evaluation strategies ensure SRTS initatives are effective and track progress over time

page | Topic: Evaluation, Planning, SRTS 101 | Language: