MnSRTS Infrastructure Quick Reference Guide
Detailed information about a variety of treatments that can improve safety conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists
Detailed information about a variety of treatments that can improve safety conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists
MnDOT’s guidance on context-sensitive bicycle facility treatments
resource to assist with the development of Safe Routes to School plans or projects
How to conduct a neighborhood walk audit. Includes a sample one-page school neighborhood walk audit and a sample general walk audit checklist
detailed guidance on the use of school zone signs, pavement markings, the use of adult crossing guards and setting school zone speed limits
Guide to developing and implementing School Streets and Park & Walk
A Resource for the Development of Short Term, Low Cost, Temporary Roadway Projects to Promote and Advance Walking and Bicycling
Policy recommendations for removing barriers to community-centered schools
What are Bike Rodeos/Bike Clinics? This resource has instructions and scripts to run a bike rodeo (bicycle skills course)
how to create route maps and arrival/dismissal maps for your school
Start the new school year with a healthy new habit! International Walk to School Day takes place each October to encourage kids to walk to school--join us!
Join the club and be a biker! National Bike to School Day takes place each May to encourage kids to bike to school--will you join us?
Living in MN doesn't have to mean staying indoors all winter! Winter Walk to School Day takes place each February to encourage kids to walk to school in all seasons!