MnSRTS Talking Points for Planners and Engineers
MnSRTS Talking Points for Planners and Engineers
MnSRTS Talking Points for Planners and Engineers
MnSRTS Talking Points for Public Health Professionals
MnSRTS Talking Points for Service Organizations
information and tips on how to create walking and biking to school maps and arrival/dismissal maps for your school–for folks without map-making experience!
Learn to target your message to communicate to different audiences about Safe Routes to School
guidance and case studies of local policies ranging from school siting to arrival and dismissal procedures
benefits of Safe Routes to School, assembling a Safe Routes to School team, assessing local sidewalks and roadways, examining policies, determining goals, identifying action steps, tracking progress and more
Information and instructions on how to use the MnSRTS Evaluation toolkit
Basics of evaluation, including benefits, audience, and purpose
Quick tip sheet on evaluation best practices and FAQs
Start the new school year with a healthy new habit! International Walk to School Day takes place each October to encourage kids to walk to school--join us!
Join the club and be a biker! National Bike to School Day takes place each May to encourage kids to bike to school--will you join us?
Living in MN doesn't have to mean staying indoors all winter! Winter Walk to School Day takes place each February to encourage kids to walk to school in all seasons!