MS Word Plan template
Use this template to lay out your Safe Routes to School Plan
Use this template to lay out your Safe Routes to School Plan
Roles for a diverse range of stakeholders and what they can bring to SRTS
Remix your street to add bike paths, widen sidewalks using this interactive tool
how to create route maps and arrival/dismissal maps for your school
How to start a SRTS program at your school
Forming a Safe Routes to School team is a great way to get started with Safe Routes to School programs or planning
This webinar series can be used to train a new Safe Routes to School team and prepare for the Safe Routes planning process
How to build a team, gather information, maximize outreach, and plan implementation
A menu of SRTS programs in the areas of Education, Encouragement, and Enforcement
statistics that explain Safe Routes to School, including traffic congestion, safety, health and obesity, environment and bus transportation costs
Start the new school year with a healthy new habit! International Walk to School Day takes place each October to encourage kids to walk to school--join us!
Join the club and be a biker! National Bike to School Day takes place each May to encourage kids to bike to school--will you join us?
Living in MN doesn't have to mean staying indoors all winter! Winter Walk to School Day takes place each February to encourage kids to walk to school in all seasons!