December Newsletter
Winter Walk to School Day is February 5, 2025. Grants are due January 17. Virtual office hours are shifting to every Tuesday from Noon-1:00 p.m.. Read the full details in the enews!
Winter Walk to School Day is February 5, 2025. Grants are due January 17. Virtual office hours are shifting to every Tuesday from Noon-1:00 p.m.. Read the full details in the enews!
This law requires all public-school students to receive age-appropriate education related to safe walking and bicycling during the first few weeks of class each year .This law went into effect August 2023 after legislation was passed to have MnDOT administer this traffic safety education. Key points:
Check out our update on the MnSRTS Meetup, back to school resources, and upcoming events.
Have questions or ideas about Safe Routes to School (SRTS)? Join our new office hours for brainstorming, feedback, and success stories. We’re excited to announce our new office hours, designed just for you. Everyone is welcome!
Stay tuned to this newsletter as there are many upcoming grant solicitations for Safe Routes to School this October. Read the full enews here: Funding opportunities include:
We are thrilled to introduce Sophie Kalow, the newest member of our Minnesota Safe Routes to School Team! Sophie brings with her knowledge and partnerships from across the state, having served a Safe Routes to School Coordinator metro area and most recently the Active Living lead under SHIP at a local county. Passionate about policy …
Register now for the free one-day Minnesota Safe Routes to School Meetup 2024 training featuring Kori Johnson from the Safe Routes Partnership. Kori will help us learn what’s happening outside of MN, Safe Routes to Parks program, Youth Engagement strategies, and success stories from local partners.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation recently awarded millions of dollars in funding for communities, school districts, and organizations across Minnesota to support the Safe Routes to School program! This funding makes it safer and easier for youth to walk, bike and roll in Minnesota.
Bike to School Day promotion and events can be large or small and still make an impact to promote the physical health and safety of children. These events are an easy way for students and families to try walking, bicycling, and rolling to school. Parents/caregivers might be surprised at just how little time it takes!
Celebrate winter with a fun event – we’ve got resources to help When the weather outside is frightful in Minnesota, we put on our hats, gloves and jackets, and get ready to have some fun. Minnesota Safe Routes to School’s seventh-annual Winter Walk to School Day is Feb. 7. It’s a celebration of walking, biking and playing …
Start the new school year with a healthy new habit! International Walk to School Day takes place each October to encourage kids to walk to school--join us!
Join the club and be a biker! National Bike to School Day takes place each May to encourage kids to bike to school--will you join us?
Living in MN doesn't have to mean staying indoors all winter! Winter Walk to School Day takes place each February to encourage kids to walk to school in all seasons!