Crossing Guard Training
This training provides a standard minimum amount of training for adult crossing guards throughout the state

The Minnesota Safe Routes to School Online Resource Center is a one-stop shop for tools and resources to assist with Safe Routes to School efforts.
If you are unable to find the resource, training or answer to your question please use the “Contact Us” page to send us an email so we can help!
This training provides a standard minimum amount of training for adult crossing guards throughout the state
The Minnesota Safe Routes to School program partners with AAA Minnesota-Iowa to offer an online training for school safety patrollers in Minnesota
training resource for school safety and school bus patrols
Detailed information about a variety of treatments that can improve safety conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists
This brief provides information on how schools, districts, cities and counties, and community partners can address arrival and dismissal in developing school travel plans
MnDOT’s guidance on context-sensitive bicycle facility treatments
resource to assist with the development of Safe Routes to School plans or projects
How to conduct a neighborhood walk audit. Includes a sample one-page school neighborhood walk audit and a sample general walk audit checklist
detailed guidance on the use of school zone signs, pavement markings, the use of adult crossing guards and setting school zone speed limits
Guide to developing and implementing School Streets and Park & Walk