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The cover of the Minnesota Safe Routes to School Five-Year Strategic Plan Update, including a photo of a group of kids in winter gear and one adult crossing a crosswalk as a crossing guard holds up a sign.

MnSRTS has completed a five-year update to the Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan.

The 2020 Minnesota Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan establishes a five-year action plan to improve walking and biking to school for youth in Minnesota. This document updates the 2015 Strategic Plan, and provides a refined vision and new goals, strategies, action steps, and performance measures to expand, strengthen, and monitor Minnesota’s SRTS program. This document is a tool to guide state and regional SRTS practitioners and partners in building a stronger, more equitable SRTS program at the local, regional, and state levels.

The stakeholder engagement process for Strategic Plan development consisted of a variety of engagment methods to reach local, regional and statewide stakeholders to garner a better understanding of the needs to grow the MnSRTS program to accomplish its mission and vision.


Six overarching goals will guide the implementation of the Strategic Plan over the next five years to make progress towards the established vision:

  1. Build Local Partners’ Capacity to Implement SRTS
  2. Coordinate SRTS Implementation Statewide
  3. Increase Awareness of SRTS
  4. Develop Process, Policy, and Design Guidance that Supports SRTS
  5. Measure Progress, Evaluate Impacts, and Continually Improve the Program
  6. Innovate in Program Development and Implementation

Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning process consisted of three phases:

  1. Confirm Opportunities and Challenges
  2. Evaluate and Prioritize Draft Strategies and Recommendations
  3. Plan Production

Learn more about the strategic planning process and priorities.