Successful Safe Routes to School programs rely on actively engaged SRTS teams consisting of school administration, parents, volunteers and more. The following tools are ideal for educating communities on the benefits of Safe Routes to School and finding meaningful ways to contribute to building a culture of walking and bicycling in their community.

Overview of Safe Routes to School Poster
This poster is ideal for printing to keep around the school, in SRTS team meetings, and at any outreach event where you need to quickly and succinctly describe a comprehensive SRTS effort. File linked above includes posters in Spanish and English.
Youth Partnership Resources and Action Plan
Best practices for youth engagement and empowerment in Safe Routes to School
Eight encouragement activities for students from the Safe Routes National Partnership
SRTS Handbook
The SRTS Handbook is a brief booklet that covers the basics of Safe Routes to School.
SRTS Programs Poster
What can a community do to advance Safe Routes to School? This matrix of program possibilities quickly educates the reader on best practices in Education, Encouragement, and Enforcement.
Safe Routes to School Event Engagement Toolkit
This toolkit is ideal for engaging parents and students at school events or SRTS team meetings. The tool can print in a large format and allows parents and students to vote (with stickers) for the answers that most resonate with their concerns. Based on the SRTS parent survey questions, this is a great conversation starter. Translated versions: Spanish, Somali, and Hmong
SRTS Stakeholders Handout
This handout points out how each stakeholder benefits from Safe Routes to School and what they are able to bring to the table. Essential tool for meeting with potential new partners that are unsure of how to help.