Minnesota Safe Routes to School would not be possible without the support and work of partners across the state.
Supporting Partners
These are some of our Safe Routes to School partners in Minnesota:
Minnesota Department of Transportation
MnDOT has supported SRTS since 2006 and offers grants and statewide programs to communities.
Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota
Since 2013 BikeMN has offered the Walk! Bike! Fun! bicycle and pedestrian safety curriculum to schools across Minnesota.
Minnesota Department of Health
MDH supports safe routes to school through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership. SHIP focuses on increasing physical activity, improving nutrition and reducing the number of people who use tobacco or are exposed to it.
Move MN
Move MN supports the MnSRTS monthly network call and other training opportunities.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Minnesota Center for Prevention
BCBS MN Center for Prevention started organizing the SRTS Network call in 2009 and has been involved in growing the program ever since.
Steering Committee Partners
Since 2011, MnDOT has convened a bimonthly Safe Routes to School Steering Committee to guide statewide efforts. The Steering Committee was instrumental in developing the Strategic Plans, guiding funding allocations, and helping to better address equity within the program. Partners include school district staff, school transportation directors, Quality Bicycle Products, Allina Health, Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota, American Heart Organization, American Cancer Society, Minnesota Parent Teacher Association, Federal Highway Association, Minnesota Safety Council, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, and a range of internal stakeholders from Minnesota Department of Transportation. More information about the Steering Committee can be found in the Strategic Plan or by contacting the Safe Routes to School Coordinator.
Planning Partners
Several other organizations work with MnDOT and local public health departments on Safe Routes to School plans and programs: Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Development Organizations, and Area Transportation Partnerships. Learn more at the MnDOT Planning Partners webpage.