Let’s thank all of our students, parents and staff who are supporting Student Safety Patrol efforts to help students safely cross streets on their walking and biking commutes to/from school. The Minnesota Timberwolves have generously offered free tickets for student patrollers at upcoming games AND the opportunity to go on the court and try throwing a free throw after the game.

How do Student Safety Patrol programs connect to Safe Routes to School efforts?
As more school’s face budget cuts and struggle hiring Crossing Guards, our Student Patrol programs are low-cost ways to increase safety for walkers/bikers during arrival and dismissal times. These programs are a great way for students to start volunteering at their schools, learn more about active transportation in their community, and create a more vibrant walkable and bikeable neighborhood. These students could even help with walk audits and identifying built environment improvements around schools to improve safety!
Did you know we have online training for Student Patrollers?
This is a great PSE change opportunity to require all students to complete the online training that was created with AAA, MN Department of Public Safety and MnDOT. https://mnsaferoutestoschool.org/resources/training/aaa-school-safety-patrol-training/aaa-school-safety-patrol-online-training/
The AAA/CAA School Safety Patrol Operations Manual serves as a resource to community organizations, school administrators and advisors who are coordinating AAA/CAA School Safety Patrol programs. The manual includes guidance on how to form, organize, operate, and support your patrol.
Want to start or re-launch a Safety Patrol program at your school or School District?
MnDOT Safe Routes to School program will be offering Boost grants opening in January that can cover the cost of supplies, incentives for participation, and can even cover the cost of the Advisor for a one-year pilot program. https://www.dot.state.mn.us/saferoutes/grants-funding.html
Have more questions? Join our SRTS Office Hours Weekly on Tuesdays from 12 – 1 p.m. (beginning January 7, 2025). or email [email protected]